Spare Parts

At Magnetic Trading, we are continuously building the most demanded stock for Airbus, Boeing, ATR, and other aircraft types. With the ever-growing stock, we are also looking for additional aircraft spare parts to support clients’ everyday needs. Our primary locations are in Miami (USA) and Tallinn (Estonia), allowing us to react fast and provide competitive offers. As a trusted spare parts provider, we focus on customer satisfaction and aim to be your go-to source for all aircraft spare parts needs.


While specializing in product lines such as escapes slides, aircraft landing gears, APUs, and similar assets, we also have a pool of various part numbers that can be found on different aircraft part marketplace platforms. For a specific request, you can contact us directly at

aircraft Wheels Scaled

Wheels & Brakes

This product line offers high-quality FAA and EASA-approved support services such as inspections, repairs, and overhauls.

  • We repair components for the following types of aircraft: Boeing B737 CL/NG, A320F, A330, A340, ERJ 170, CRJ 900NG, ATR72, and more.
  • Tire support – New and retreaded tire availability, mount, and change for your wheels
  • Spare wheels and brakes in stock are available both for exchange and outright basis for urgent needs.

Escape Slides

The offer consists of short and long-term solutions for Airbus (A318/A319/A320/A321) and Boeing (B737CL/B737NG) slides, slide cylinders, and batteries with the intention and option to add oxygen bottles and PBE.

  • Repair – We have the capacity to repair all slides, cylinders, batteries, oxygen bottles, and PBE for Airbus and Boeing. For long-term contracts, offering fixed repair prices.
  • Exchange – Our ever-growing stock gives us the ability to propose the most cost-effective exchange options for necessary DOM.
airbus Slides Scaled
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Magnetic Trading specializes in Airbus and Boeing radome-related services, including repair and overhaul.

  • To meet airlines’ demands, on offer are Airbus (A318/A319/A320/A321) radomes exchange and repair with the intention and option to add Boeing radomes.
  • Repair – In-house repair and repaint capability gives us the option to propose flexible and unique solutions for you.
  • Exchange – Having stock gives us the option to propose cost and time-saving solutions.